Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A new day!

Been a while since I posted anything. And I'm very impressed with Trev. and Carey who manage to write something regularly.

I haven't posted because there isn't much to say except I'm smoking again. Haven't given up though ....

Now I'm reading the book titled: Allen Carr's Easy Way to STOP smoking!

My friend quit after reading this book. And Ellen DeGeneres says "Everybody who reads this book stops and I stopped". We'll see.....

Here's what some people said about this method. I have no opinion yet ...


Have a good day guys!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Hey fellow non-non smokers :)

Best day I have had today , ok I still had a 3 sly dirty smokes to day but it was my greatest achievement to date I think .

Recent conversations with Linda and Carey have reassured me that we are all going through the same roller-coaster ride , we have all said recently ,"READY TO KILL " , and yes annoy me enough or any of us when the need is high and look out .

Have found away to hide my smokes , my dam wife smokes the ones I have hid around the place then she rings the corner store and tells them not to sell me any smokes . I am seriously thinking she has a death wish ...Not happy , not happy at all ...

I think we all are stressed out , and really do not need people making stupid comments about this , bottom line here "We are doing this to improve our health " so we can enjoy the years beyond 50 , jeez how many people don't get to 60 . We are all in our 40's I am guessing I am guessing I am the youngest in age , but looks the oldest and probably right now the one with the shortest fuse and ready to explode ...

I have noticed how ever my death cough every morning is clearing up , I am not having my usual 10 minute cough attack with the usual cough up of some very vile looking stuff that don't taste that great coming up either ...But usually once it 's up I feel great , well today I didn't do that my lungs seem to be breathing easier as well .This could be me just hoping as well ..One never knows , but smoking 3-4 smokes a day compared to 35-40 a day I think there could be something happening .

Well once again my dear friends Carey & Linda
Stay strong and we are all in this together , so its not only you feeling the way you do right now , trust me I feel just as bad , if not worse coz "I WANT A SMOKE GOD DAM IT !!"

Till next time

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Well what can I say ....

I am having a smoke as I type this , my last smoke was 7 hours ago and I am NOT enjoying it one little bit. Did Linda and Carey name this blog correctly ? My answer is hell yes ....Cranky little fat bald man I am right now ..Bit the head off on guy at work yesterday and on reflection probably should have bitten my tongue ...

I have a bit of an upset stomach today and decided well I ain't going to work , pretty slack of me I know but right now I don't give a toss . Sick and tired of crap sick and tired of hearing crap and most of all "Who's idea was this ?" ..Jeeez I used to be a easy going bloke nothing ever was a problem ....Will kill the next person who asks ,"Hows the non-smoking going? " ..Answer I 'll tell you if your a non smoker and never gone through this , take hand and get a truck to run over it ..You can see the truck coming as your hand lays there you know this is going to hurt but you keep your hand there , the truck slowly runs on your hand your in so much pain ...The idiot driver stops and gets out of the truck and leaves you there ...

No-one comes to help they just keep asking you , " Hows your hand ?" ...You really want to say "Its' F......ing sore " ...
Well thats how I feel right now anyway ...

Carey and Linda if you need me to move "your truck " let me know how I can help ..

Till next time


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Day 1.3

Like Trev said, we are a sorry lot.... I had a smoke last night, just one but one none the less.

Hey Trev, dude if you have to go down to 5 a day and then reduce from there then that's what you've gotta do. There are also patches and other med's that can help. If I can, I don't want to use any of those....

Linda, only 1 yesterday? That's a great improvement, keep up the good work! Trev, 5 ain't bad either buddy.

I guess I'm getting a tad cranky. Yesterday, I snapped at my daughter when she was complaining about our computers. Normally, I wouldn't have done that, so I figured I had better fess up to the wife so that at least she knows why I'm a tad touchy.

For me access to cigarettes is the biggest problem. If I can't get to them, it's a lot easier for me. Tonight my family are all going for dinner with my cousin. There will be a number of people that I can bum a smoke from. This will be tough, I'll try but I'm not entirely hopeful that I'll be able to not smoke.

Right this moment, I could really go for a smoke. I mean REALLY GO FOR A SMOKE!!!!! Where's my guitar.....

Day 3 (aka Day 1)

Trev ... cutting back to 5 from 40 is a great accomplishment. I think it's a great idea to get something to help with the cravings. Was thinking about checking that out too.

And Carey, I get the same thing from photography you get from the guitar. As long as I'm holding the camera I can't smoke.

And yes, I smoked last night or early this morning. AGAIN! Lurking around in the middle of the night ... looking for smokes. Pretty tragic sight I imagine! But only 1 this time ...

So, it's day 3 or day 1 again. If I could only get through 2 days in a row with no smoking. Oh well, if it were easy I would have done it by now.

So, once again .... I quit smoking. :)

Thank you guys ... your support really helps.

What to say ...I smoked today dam ...had 2 smokes work really don't help with this giving up thing by the way ...

Now how do you give up smoking , stay nice , and keep your head ? Anyone ? please ....

I have decided the only way I can do this is "NOT " cold turkey , I am going to reduce my smoking to 5 a day , going cold turkey is just too hard sorry guys . You have have to go cold turkey not me :)
I am thinking from 40 down to 5 is a huge step to start with , I 'll do that for a week then cut it down to 1 a day then if I can do that , I have a better chance of quitting .

I know we are trying very hard and I am afraid I can not do what we started out to do , yeah all talk me :( ...
I am going to go to the Dr as I have heard you can get some sort of tablet to help with the urgers ,,Sorry Linda Sorry Carey but this is the only way for me I can see at this point ...

I feel I have let you guys down , and right now I am feeling very ordinary about it ...

I will cut down then give up ..thats all I can promise you right now ,


Monday, August 11, 2008

Well just read Linda's and Carey's latest entry and well guys how pathetic are we all ? Sorry me as well , I was smoking up to 40 cigarettes a day . I had one yesterday evening after my meal ....
Well I am going to try and not have one today ...Promise I really do ......

I had a good nights sleep though , I read an article oranges ..everytime you feel like a smoke have a orange drink or slice of orange ...Going to try this today ...

This coke for breakfast isn't healthy but it seems to work for about an hour ..grrr

Right now I am feeling good , mind you I have spoken to another soul in the world yet , people annoy me .......Ok I am looking for excuses .

My thoughts are with Linda and Carey I know what they are going through ..

Till next time

Day 2 but really only Day 1

First of all, I want to apologize to my friends. I had a half pack yesterday and smoked them all.

My last smoke was at about 9:00 last night. The first hour today was okay and after that I started wanting one. Trev, your right man playing guitar helps. As long I play I don't think too much about smoking. I've been playing for about 3 hours now, good thing I have calluses lol

So long as I can stop myself from going to the store and buying some I'll be okay. We're all gonna make it, I know :)

Day 2

I don't have too many cravings this morning but that could be because I smoked at 1 a.m. Yes, sorry guys! It pains me to admit it but there you go.

Normally at this stage I would give up and go back to smoking but I think I'll start fresh today. Not beating myself up too bad! Happens. I've been smoking since I was 16 so I knew it wasn't going to be easy.

Hope you guys are doing better but if not we're still going to do this. So, day 2 that is really now day 1 again. At least for me. :)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Well I woke up and I knew I was going to be a non smoker from this point on , the usual coughing and looking for a fix . This isn't healthy what I did 7 am in the morning I open a coke jeez I need something ..
I start working on my resume' for another job and my mind is wondering off into the never never land , really needing a fix guys ....But I don't have a lighter or even a cigarette butt in my house ..
Smoking is no good for me , I have to keep telling myself this , smoking bad , smoking bad , jeez ...
I need to do something with my hands , time for break from the resume' and picks up my old guitar and tunes it up ...
Trying to learn a Billy Joel , hey that worked while playing i didn't want a ciggie , but its' like sex after I finish playing I am looking for a smoke ...Dam !!!
Play more Trev play more ....grrrrrrr
I have taken Monday off work , this will help me I think ...I bloody hope it does anyway
I hope Linda and Carey are handling this better then me ..
Till next time

Here we go, I think

Well like Linda, I was going to throw away my cigarettes. But hey, they're expensive! I have a half a pack left, must.... throw.... cigarettes... awaaaayyyyy!

I had one after breakfast, not a very auspicious start I'm sorry to say. I will throw those little bastards away, I will.

Hour 1

Day 1 ....

I made coffee, had breakfast ... and threw out my cigarettes. Well, there we go ... my first lie ... I didn't throw them out. I tried to throw them out but decided to put them away. After all they're expensive. :) Ok, so I should throw them out. I know that. And I will.

Ok, I'm back. They're gone.

I already feel the effects of not smoking and it's not pleasant. Someone told me to look at the withdrawal effects as the 'monster' dying. Believe it or not that helped.

Going to go shoot some photos today. And then exercise ... I will absolutely not gain weight. :)

Hope my friends are doing better than I am. I'm not exactly suzy sunshine at the moment.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Tomorrow is the day!

We're three Facebook friends from around the world. We've all decided to quit smoking on Sunday August 10, 2008.

We are Trevor from Queensland Australia, Linda from Alberta Canada and Carey from British Columbia Canada. We've all been smoking for far too long and have decided that we will quit together and support each other.

This is our blog to document our "decent into hell and back" and to give each other a helping hand.